What To Expect

6:00pm Every Sunday
89 Corporation Road

Who Is Welcome

You are!

We welcome everyone, regardless of age, gender, disability, race,  sexual orientation, or anything else that some people might want to think of as excluding anyone.

Everyone is welcome and this is also a point of contact for a number of people who are unable to attend our Sunday Morning Service at Grange Road

The Service

Our Sunday Evening Meeting is an informal gathering which lasts about an hour.

The Meeting forms a point of contact for a number of people who are unable to attend our Sunday Morning Service at Grange Road and, generally, alternates between a Bible Study and a video (often a talk given at a previous Keswick Convention).

Once a month, the Bible Study Meeting includes an opportunity to share communion together.

You are welcome!


Modern songs predominate, although we include some more traditional hymns.  You will almost certainly find a keyboard in use, along with a guitar, bass guitar and drums – or, at least, some of them.  There will be a music leader and two or three other singers ‘up front’ and using mics. All the words are projected on to a central screen.

Children's Church

Unfortunately at present - No Children's church is provided for this service

After Worship


Dress Code

Although you might see some folks wearing their ‘Sunday-Best’, we have no dress code.
Jeans and a tee-shirt work just as well as a suit  or jacket – and they are more common.
NOTE : This is a much more informal service than Sunday Morning at Grange Road